Our prices

Choose what's right for you

Aftercare is free

Our independent audiologists don’t just sell hearing aids, they provide complete hearing health care solutions, with FREE aftercare for the lifetime of your hearing devices.

Take a look at our aftercare to find out more about the comprehensive range of services and guarantees we include. There’s a reason why independent hearing aid providers, like us, were the only hearing aid providers to achieve 5 stars in a well known consumer survey of the Best Hearing Aid Providers for 2021, for aftercare. And survey respondents praised independents’ prices and value for money too.

Choosing what's right for you

We’ll help you choose the right solution for you – to suit your hearing loss, the challenges you face in different listening environments, your lifestyle and your budget.

The price of your hearing solution depends on your hearing loss, the type of hearing aid you choose, and its features. Our audiologist will take you through the options available to you after your hearing test.

Our hearing aid range and prices

We offer hearing solutions from all the leading hearing aid manufacturers.

Our comprehensive choice of hearing aids, ranges from just €1,000 for a pair of hearing aids in our essential range, to €4,945 for a pair in our Prestige Blue Diamond collection.

We offer a full selection including sophisticated, custom made and digital hearing aids and you can apply your €1,000  PRSI Treatment Benefit contribution, depending on your eligibility for this scheme to any pair of hearing aids in our range. We have a hearing aid to suit every budget!

All our hearing aids include FREE aftercare for the lifetime of the hearing aid, a 60 day moneyback guarantee and up to 4 years’ warranty.

Simply choose from the collection that best suits you and your lifestyle – click on the collections below to find out more. Our Audiologist is here to help you if you need advice.

Blue Diamond          *******


Aimed at those with a zest for life who are on a road of discovery, so need an extra level of prestige to help them live life to the full. With ground-breaking Artificial Intelligence (AI) features, these most dynamic of hearing devices not only mimic how your brain would hear sound without any hearing impairment, they can also convert speech into text and translate 16 spoken languages. 

Great for worldwide travel or keeping in touch on zoom calls! With all the benefits of our Diamond collection, including alerts, and so much more.

Diamond        ******


Aimed at those who believe life is an adventure and want to make the most of every opportunity. With all the joys of AI available from today’s hearing devices, for the very richest of listening experiences, whether you’re at home, the Opera or a local concert. Specialist technology to suit the most musical of ears. 

Clear speech recognition in any environment – at home, work, leisure or travel. At this level you benefit from virtual assistance, medication reminders and lifesaving fall detection and alerts to notify your emergency contacts. 

Sapphire        *****


Aimed at the most socially active person, or someone who simply wants one of the best and latest hearing devices available. 

With a superior level of technology and the most advanced noise control and fully automatic features, these are suitable for all environments, from 1-2-1s through to the most demanding cocktail party or drinks gathering. Best in class for the ever-ranging TV sounds, great for conversation in the car and for very noisy environments. 

Emerald        ****


Aimed at the socially active and independent person – someone who finds themselves in more complex environments regularly. 

This level of technology has advanced noise control, automatic adaptation and directional features. For effective use outdoors and around the home, when watching TV, having dinner around the table, as well as in small and large groups at family and friend at gatherings, in coffee shops, restaurants, supermarkets and meetings. 

Ruby        ***

Family & Friends

Aimed at the more active and independent person. This level of technology has an element of noise control and automatic directional settings. 

Ideal for use in all home environments, but also for when there are competing sounds, like when walking outdoors, in coffee shops, in small groups, supermarkets, church, theatres and at family and friend gatherings. 

Essential        *


Aimed at the most quiet of lifestyles. Ideally suited to quieter environments like 1-2-1 conversations, talking on the telephone and watching television. 

A wise investment

Hearing aids aren’t just about helping your hearing, they are also proven to help improve your quality of life and lessen your susceptibility to other age-related health conditions, like dementia.

Being able to hear means less social isolation, more confidence and heightened cognitive ability. That’s why investing in a hearing solution can be a wise investment for your health and happiness!

Book a complimentary hearing test